Vance Thompson led us in the Flag Salute.
Jeff Hata introduced guests and visiting Rotarians.
Guest of the Club was Nancy D'Atillio
The Opportunity Drawing was a mixed box of Girl Scout Cookies donated by Tim Hughes.
President Joe thanked Margarida Eidson for staffing the Front Desk and Laura Shannon for taking attendance.
Harriet Clune gave our Inspirational Message.
Ashley Pope was presented a check to the Autism Society of Ventura-County.
President Joe read a note from Helene Rosenbaum thanking the club for the Poinsettia donations to Cypress Place.
President Joe announced that a revision to the club by-laws are on each table. Please review them, we will vote to ratify them in two weeks.
We will no longer do Zoom unless requested.
Meal cost will increase beginning March 1
$76.50/month - $92
Rule of 85 $18 – $20
Carin Kally is looking for volunteers to work the Front Desk at our meetings. Let Carin know if your interested.
Next week DG Scott Phillips will be making his annual visit. Please be sure to attend! Wear pink to the meeting.
Happy $’s: Sharon Daly, Emily Barany,
Our program was the St Patrick’s day event at Topa Topa Brewery.
Rich Stewart conducted the raffle and our lucky winner was Charles Ferguson