It is a great honor to congratulate Margarida Eidson on being selected as our District Governor for Rotary Year 2026-2027 !! And what an honor for our club! Plans are in process for a celebratory social event. Stay tuned.
Last week was a fun off-site lunch, meeting, and tour of the Ventura History Museum. Thank you to L.E. Brown and the Museum staff. In honor of Ventura County’s 150th year, admission to the museum is free for 2023, so tell your friends.
And in case you weren’t there, it was also the kickoff for Poinsettia Sales 2023!! Thank you Kathy McGee for chairing this fundraiser again this year. And to the dedicated committee! We will be donating plants to the residents of Cypress Place Senior Living for the 3rd year. Members can purchase a case for donation at a discounted rate of $55. We still need about 12 more cases donated. I saw eggnog at the supermarket today, so it’s not too early to ask for Poinsettia orders.
Join me this Thursday in welcoming back Wade Nomura with a program on the RI Foundation, sharing what is possible when working on a global scale and how your donations come back to the club and go out to create hope in the world.
Friday, November 3, is the celebration of life for Rafael Canton. Friday, November 3 at 11 o'clock at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura,
5654 Ralston Street.
Thank you to all who contributed for flowers to be sent in the name of Rotary Club Ventura East.
Next week we will hear about the Chayah Orphanage and School in Uganda. Tim Hughes knows the founders and administrators who live here in Ventura County. Doing good halfway around the world.
Want a memorable family or friends holiday activity? You can still sign up to decorate the Rotary Rose Parade Float! We have two members going on December 27th for the 4-11 p.m. shift. You can check it out and sign up at If you go to “see who’s going” you will see the complete availability. There is a $15 cost to cover the t-shirt and lunch or dinner.
Looking ahead
November 9 – Chayah Orphanage and School in Uganda, International Project
November 14 – Board Meeting, 5:30
November 16 – Poinsettia phone tree
November 23 – Dark, Happy Thanksgiving
November 30 – Poinsettia Deliveries
December 7- Roberta Griega, NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)
December 14 – TBA
December 21 – Holiday Party at Bill and Kim Gray’s
December 28 – Dark