Posted by Jeff Hata on Oct 12, 2017
President Elect Jeff stood in for President Harriet today who is off in sunny Hawaii!!!
Kris Hansen led us in the Flag Salute.
Our Inspirational Message was delivered by Vance Thompson.
Kathy McGee introduced guests and visiting Rotarians.
Bob Noville took care of the opportunity drawing today which was a $50 gift card to Aloha Steakhouse donated by Bob Noville.
Jeff Hata gave our Joke of the Day followed by John Borneman who led us in our song of the day.
PE Jeff announced a class for the people working the bar and the welcome table for October 19th from 6:00 - 8:00 here at the Poinsettia Pavilion. The class will be conducted by Project Safer and you will receive a certification good for 2 years upon completion of the test. A sign up sheet was passed around for volunteers to sign-up.
The Rotary Club of Oxnard is hosting an Octoberfest on October 19th in Oxnard. Details are in the "Events" section of our website.
President Jeff thanked everyone who attended or worked at the District Conference. It was a well attended event by our club and it was great to see many of our new members in attendance or helping out. President Jeff asked attendees to say what impressed them most about the event.
Happy $'s: Bill Hicks, Bruce McGee, Melody O'Leary-Namikas and Carol Marquez.
Bob Noville conducted the raffle and our lucky winner was Judy Hoag!