We were led in the Flag Salute by Harriet Clune.
Guests today: Honorary Member Cynthia Hashbarger and Anthony Caspari.
  • The menu for dinner is Cesar Salad, Chicken Marsala, Risotto, Peach cobbler!
  • DG Deb Linden is our guest next week
  • Bloodbank 10 – 2 August 12 -  Bloodforlife.org
  • August 16th – Virtual Aut2Run
  • August 20th – Zoom Bingo
  • August 27 – Marlys Auster – Visit Ventura
Opportunity Drawing $50 gift card to Lure donated by Cal Magro
Avenues of Service:
Amber Stevens (Community Service ) shared that Adam from Ronald McDonald Charities contacted her to let us know that they have started on the Family Room at VCMC!
Sharon Daly (International Service) let us know that Mossy Foot Headquarters has 2 hospitals in the area. Hospitals have been closed because worker showed up sick.
Ashley Pope (Youth Service) will not have anything until after school begins.
Our program today was Beverly Ward and Anna Demaria from the Rubicon.
Bruce McGee let the club know that Bill Crookston passed away on July 25th.
Jeff Burgh updated us on the County
  1. We will not be up grading for the foreseeable future.
  2. 6 Criteria the state looks at to determine if you can move forward or not
    1. We are red on 2 of 6. Availability of ICU beds and case rate/100,000
  3. Rental relief provide $2,500 to people who are unable to pay rent.
  4. Business loan program. 2nd round is starting. You must have registered before the 1st round to be eligible. 1st round recipients will be notified by July 31 so they can have the check by August 12th.
Happy $’s: Rich Stewart, Bruce McGee, Jeff Burgh
Opportunity Drawing winner was Carin Kally!!!