Margarida Eidson led us in the Flag Salute today.
President Jeff let the club know that Pete passed. Members of the club took some time to tell stories about Pete's long Rotary career.
Rich Stewart introduced guests & visiting Rotarians.
Visiting Rotarian Tony Rios
President Jeff thanked Kathy McGee for greeting & Alison Thompson for taking attendance.
Opportunity drawing:  Bottle of wine and gift card to Brohpy’s and gift basket by Jim Word
Presidents announcements:
Next Week’s Program – District Governor’s Visit/Social
Combined Evening Meeting
5:30pm-7:30pm @ Poinsettia Pavilion
Cabrillo Middle School Jazz Band to perform
We have four students going to RYLA this year and gave our last spot to a student on a waiting list from the Downtown club.
Happy $’s – Tom Swan, Jeff Hata, Husam Hishmeh, President Jeff and Sharon Daly
Raffle Drawing 1st winner: Bruce McGee and 2nd winner: Laura Shannon
Thought for the week…
“Never let yesterday use up to much of today”.
Will Rogers