Cal Magro led us in the Flag Salute today.
President Jeff delivered our Inspirational Message.
President Jeff thanked Cal Magro for greeting and Rich Stewart for taking attendance.
Carin Kelly brought our Opportunity Drawing which was a gift basket of Pancake Mixes!
President's Announcments
  • Next week is a craft talk
  • Monday 10th board meeting
  • Feb 20th meeting is at Peking Restaurant
  • Feb 22nd Rise up against Hunger event. Cal Magro showed what the packets would look like.
Community Service
  • 2nd Annual Puzzle competition is scheduled for April 19th from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm.
  • April 5th Ronald McDonald walk for kids
Happy $’s: Ashley Pope, John Borneman, Sharon Daly, Jeff Burgh
Harriet Clune conducted the Opportunity Drawing and our lucky winner was Bill Gray!