Abby Hanoch led us in the Flag Salute.
President’s announcements:
President Carin thanked Cal Magro for Greeting and Mikyung Zdybowicz for running the front desk.
Jacquelyn Gargano donated a $50 gift card to BJ’s for our Opportunity Drawing.
Guest of Joe Strohman was Ted Andrews, Sr. Deputy District Attorney. Steve Harbison introduced Mark Riecle visiting Rotarians from Gig Harbor Washington and Lori Blumenthal from the Arthritis Foundation.
City Center Gala is March 2nd. We still have room for 4 people at our club table. If you would like to go, let President Carin know.
Ventura South’s Mardi Gras fundraiser is March 10th.
The Search Dog Foundation is doing an open house on May 4th. The deadline for registering is coming soon.
Jaquelyn Gargano spoke about the St Patrick’s Day event and the Ronald McDonald Family Room Walk for Kids Kick-off event.
Harriet Clune announced the Rubicon is putting on a play “Eisenhower”.
Joe Strohman gave our Inspirational Message.
Joe Strohman then held the election for 2 at large directors for the Rotary Club of Ventura-East Foundation.
Bruce McGee gave Mikyung her Paul Harris Certificate from a couple of weeks ago and presented Jeff Hata, Bill Gray and Steve Harbison with Paul Harris awards.
Our speaker today was Cameron DeJong with Ventura Football Network
Happy $’s: Mark Riecle
Joe Strohman announced our new Foundation Board members will be Jim Word and Mikyung Zdybowicz.
Rich Stewart conducted the opportunity drawing and our luck winner was Cal Magro!